Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Long Live Distractions

The processing continues. alone. Te grieving is part of the process, a process within the process. I skip past denial quickly on the surface, but never really leave it even though I do wander through all the stages in my own way, it's hope that keeps me there, endless incorrigible hope. I'm hopelessly hopeful. I survive every time and somehow keep believing someone will come along and love me... and stay. As I said, long live distractions.

Another long day at the desk, more accomplished, some distractions with Excel. No lunch, again. Back here to a big bowl of canned pasta and chili without beans, extra cheese, the usual condiments. And Dead Like Me Hours and hours of Dead Like Me. Ellen Muth and Cynthia Gibb ad Mandy and the rest, a show I can relate to on so many levels. Deeply too. So I watched the screen and babbled and wandered and processed and it's after midnight (yes, it is). Hope you are well and all that.

Narf :)

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