Saturday, December 2, 2017

Simply Settling

In so many ways, if it matters (I keep wondering... and thank Z and J for the reassurances so the answer is not nil... nil is the loneliest number, no matter what other songs say), settling. Mostly simply, but definitely settling. The digesting system settles daily and this is a good thing, for if the consistency was not as it is, the other maladies would be worse. see a doctor before the new year while it's still free, m'ok (so I won't call you {meaning me, in case you are not noticing that I write to myself now and then} a complete idiot). Two softball games, with appreciation from a team who never won a game but scored more runs with some help today than they have all season, then dinner. One of the buffets moved which threw Helen for a loop (she does not like change), but we parked and I drove so she was ok. Excellent food and service, we can only hope it maintains high standards and does not go the route of every other buffet after a few months. After dinner, here we are.

Previous entries hold more mystery and secrets, but none had such good tastes :)

Narf :)

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