Monday, May 8, 2017

Are You Here Yet?

I've been waiting such a long time (and not just for Saturday) and this is how the optimism rises to epic proportions and I change th world (or at least mine). Just when I am too tired to do anything, life becomes amusing as ever. Softball was fun tonight. We won 9-3, I batted in two even though I didn't get a hit. Too tired. I pitched pretty much lights out though. Two errors gave up two of the three runs, one of them mine. I did not drink the kool aid tonight (mountain dew kick start, 60 calories and a jolt of caffeine is my typical before softball drink. I was nodding off before the game so I decided I'd try to go without it and as usual I can pitch in my sleep but hitting takes being awake. I think I will nod off soon which will be a good thing. so how have you been?

I'll be right here waiting for you.

Narf :)

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