Sunday, May 7, 2017

Weekends Are Fun, But...

Ate least with the current lifestyle I have chosen, weekends are fun, but expensive, fattening, and lonely. Lonely because I don't trust people anymore. People say all the right things to get close, take as much as they can get, and then move on when I have nothing left to give. Sometimes they come back for more when they hear I have something to give again, but they are not there for me, they are only out for themselves. Alas, lonely sucks. Fattening because I indulge my taste buds out of loneliness and I splurge on expensive food because I can because I get momentary physical and emotional satisfaction. I play softball Saturdays and Sundays and hang out with softball friends and have a lot of fun, but it's not enough exercise to burn the calories I consume so I am getting fatter, poorly, and still lonely.

But weekends are fun.

Narf :)

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