Saturday, November 25, 2017

Sleep, Shower, Application

Wrote the detailed entry for last night after waking and showering. Another day waking after noon. A shorter shower than I'd have liked, but Eb is very water-usage conscious these days because the last water bill somehow showed usage increased by 250% which makes no sense unless I really was showering, doing laundry, and washing dishes a whole lot less before last month. That is possible. That is not healthy or moving in or living here comfortable, but it is possible. He seldom showers, does laundry, or washes dishes - very unsanitary. I expect the water bill to be high again this month because I am increased my sanitary habits. Not where I'd like the, but better than the minimal I was doing to try to acclimate to his home. I applied extra cream to the buttocks because the rash itched more after sitting in the hard theatre seats and only showering once yesterday. Too much detail for this brief daily blog? You should see what the blog meant for the dirt, drama, and details shares. If you are not laughing, you really ought to ask yourself why you are here.

You're welcome, in any case. Time to head out to a scavenger hunt. Have fun today.

Narf :)

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