Wednesday, May 9, 2018

There Was Nothing Here

So I dropped these words here just to mix everyone up, to confuse the purpose of this blog, to shake myself up, to continue the desperately hopeful attempt to be out here in cyberspace as much a possible so the one might find me.

There are so many reasons in the changing seasons and so many ways to pas all the days and in the brief moment we can choose to own it or leave it for chance because it's our dance so do what you want to or missed steps will haunt you and you may see answers where there's only dancers with age our illusions can become delusions and fool us to thinking or even some drinking in impulse reaction or (squirrel) random distraction I time we may see things maybe even be things but only you know it if you don't show it so let your light shine and you can find mine...

The best advice I can give anyone for the moment is never give up, never surrender, but in another moment the best advice might be love, love, love, so it's you're thing, do what you want to do and to your own self be true and try not to hurt anyone and maybe we can share some fun.

Now this is here.

Narf :)

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