Tuesday, May 1, 2018

When You Least Expect It

I'm gonna send you back in time, just to the very recent past at first, because you really ought to read some of the recent writings and that link has some links to some words I hope you read, if you care, if it matters, if as if. Then, I will shake the sudden bandango (whatever that means) and alert the war room to clear off the table for the excitement and motivation I just might make out of Jackson asking for a big brother talk tomorrow. All those doubts about whether she would turn to me as big brother if she really needed something emotionally (and not just financially or physically) may be proven, empirically, wrong tomorrow. My choice, of course, and the crash after will hurt, but hey, that's what the roller coaster is all about, in case you didn't know.

In fact, I put clothes back on and went out for more steps, just saying.

Narf. :)

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