Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What's In Retrograde?

If you look at the last few entries (not the fillers, but the chronological entries, f you are clever enough to find them), then you may see that this month marked an almost serious return to when I was small... as the First of May rolled 'round, This blog, for one thing, is being filled in and others follow in line, waiting in the queue, anticipating the random retrospection analysis that only comes once in a while. Year pass, the memory fills with data, the data coalesces into memory or sludge. Hopefully the floodgates are opened before the sludge thickens to a point where it dams the mind and that is what the current process is working to avoid.

One two three, what are we fighting for?

Some times it works better than others.

In case it matters.

Narf :)

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