Friday, August 17, 2018

Foolish Games (Wait, What?)

So I played those two games I keep playing on the phone and the brain is groggy and the stomach is empty and the emo is nagging and the hunger is calling and the sleep is somewhere in the midst of the mist of the night and I am certainly letting the negative unhealthy influences of this space get to me tonight and yet I should be happy because Jackson reached out and wants to talk next week but maybe that's what is nagging at the brain because we've been here before and I wonder if she is reaching out because I emailed her coaxing her to reach out or because she really needs what I can offer or whether this is just the cycle repeating itself over again and I wonder and am very concerned over the things she wants to talk about and that's a drama mountain I am making to try to distract myself from the living space and loneliness and hunger and bleary blurry eyes that can barey see the letters on the screen as I type this wondering what I cam going to do about so many things that need attention and Eb is still awake too but he slept his usual 5-10 PM nap so maybe this is just my way of saying hello to the night cuz I missed it and still, sleep would have been wiser since I need to be awake in a few hours and was doing so well dropping another chuck of weight ... food calls.

Narf :)

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