Friday, August 10, 2018

Sliding Backwards

Today was the boss' birthday. Lunch was at a local Mexican place. Ever see a skinny Mexican? Ok, sure there are, but not because thy eat their Americanized "Mexican" food, that's for sure. It seems America has taken each country's food (and people) and nurtured the unhealthy parts. No wonder we are generally so fat, lazy, and stupid. Oh, did say stupid? Must be the tweets from the white house subliminally seeping into my psyche. Where's that meme someone just reposted? Anyway, I drove around a bit today. Still sitting too much. The wire frame shelving I ordered came in, so I picked it up and put some of it together and not have more shelves in this room. More organization. Moving further in to refugee status. Insanity, but more organization. I like it. Being back to 191 pounds, that I don't like. Just before the weekend, no less. Grumble. Re-focus, re-commit, redesign my world.

How as your day?

Narf :)

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