Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Would You Care If I Didn't Remember?

Of course you would, your ego would be flushed out into trying to remind me in some clumsy innocent way as if it doesn't matter, but we both know your couldn't care less act is just an act and the only way you stop caring is to distract yourself and stay far far away. I don't write to to you much anymore, I don't do too many futile things anymore, the dream is not over, the dreamer is not dead, but life replaces the time I used to spend dreaming and writing about it with work and softball and TV and assorted sundries. I write about this and that and those here.

Busy days at work. No time to do things I need to do for me, like labs and doctors and fixing the windshield and servicing the car and so on and more. People at work need me, it feels good, mostly.

Alone here again, feels sad mostly.

Narf :)

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