Wednesday, August 22, 2018

So Much Work, So Little Time, But Sleep

Another long day at work putting out fires, pushing people above me to get their jobs done, leaving no time for things I need to get done. It's great to be needed, but I do need to find time for me too. The lack of appreciation from the boss and the senior assistant is irritating, but the junior assistant gets the same treatment from those two. It's a weird dynamic, they need us but don't seem to want to let us do our jobs without constant micromanagement and criticism. Even when they are not there. Anyway, I am plowing through their insecurities and control trips and getting my job in spite of their interference and lack of appreciation. They will have to come around if I just do my job well because others will recognize that and I don't think they are so weak as to want to set me up. Though I have been there before

Sleep early, just three protein drinks today, nite nite.

Narf :)

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