Monday, February 11, 2019

Getting Stuff Done

Held the dog up, carry her outside, support her as she pees and poops, check. Feed the dog her special diet, lift her into the bathtub so she can drink from the faucet, check. Let the two black cats inside to eat, give them attention, let them out again, check. Feed and give Curious, the indoor cat you may recall from past years blogs, attention and rubbing and food and so on, check. Fit in a softball game, check. Stop at home to shower and pick up pillows and towels and other things, check. Special care for the body, check. Missing exercise and lean eating, ooops. Welcome to Monday evening. And in the category of random information, I have no idea why or how, but blogger says I had fifteen visits from Mr. Dracko's blog, for what it's worth.

Now try to get to sleep so waking at 5:00 AM, 5:30 AM the latest to repeat all the animal care and get to work by 7:00 AM the latest for a very busy day... hopefully check come morning.

Alone again, naturally and sigh... check.

Narf :)

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