Sunday, February 3, 2019

Still Have Dinner For Tomorrow

There was a time when I would have eaten the $40 of Italian food I bought yesterday in one sitting, and more. I ate some yesterday, some today, and still have dinner for tomorrow. Still not wise given how the sinuses and mucous membranes are reacting to the dairy products, but stupidity is delicious. Not the best Italian, but good. Party.

Meanwhle, the most boring Super Bowl ever ended with a happy outcome for this Brady fan. TA didn't have much to say and sat through most of the first half, but left for the second half. He's not much into football.

Meanwhile, I recovered some from the wake up congestion, but have had mucous flowing all day and the onlt change has been the dairy products so I did it to myself. Where's the ice cream?

Narf lol :)

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