Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Where'd The Will Power Go?

On and off, more off than on lately, so I did it again. Last night I pigged out after midnight. Tonight I did the same, though before midnight. See the food blog (which should be called the fool blog these days), for the gory details. Too many calories in the freezer, dammit! Watching Bored To Death which might be ironic, at least semantically. Meaningless drivel didn't distract me from the food monsters. I must be going through a semi-self-destructive loop. Lonely, as usual, still not feeling quite a home here, though improvement this week, and I am not exercising. All fuel for depression, hence the pigging out for the food high. I may be setting myself up for some serous pain too, as I have not pooped in two days. Do I do it to see if anybody cares? (when I know that no one is close enough to?)

Narf :}

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