Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Three Days Fast

That's three days passing by fast, even though they were non-sop work and play from sunrise well past sunset. A whole lot of desk work. Two nights of softball, though once again I didn't get into the work team's game. The guy who took over coaching decided I won't be playing much, if at all. Maybe four or five innings and a couple of at bats all season so far. With minimal defense, I don't mind too much since most games turn into batting practice for the other team. Meanwhile, since Sunday evening or so, I had nothing but protein drinks until the meal in the past hour. Peppers, onions, shrimp, and three 40 calories hot dogs for flavor. Maybe 300 calories. That's maybe 700 calories for the day. Feeling bloated, so it was time to stop the merry go round of carbs and fats that began before the holidays.

So how is your week so far?

Narf :)

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