Wednesday, June 6, 2018

For Better or Worse

Most of the time we do not get ideal situations or circumstances. Most decisions are made based on the best available information and resources. This is why I stay with the Nephro, for better or worse. His bedside manner, knowledge, reasonable answers, and consistency make him an excellent doctor. This is also why it is challenging to get into see him the same day when I call about 11:00 AM. The fact that I got an 8:30 appointment on the very next day is a great plus. The fact that he was a half hour late because he was delayed making his rounds at the hospital, well, see why he is an excellent doctor. He was talking with patients and doesn't get into the office before 9:00 AM unless he is seeing an unscheduled emergency appointment (pointing at me). The discussed was, as usual, clear, concise, informative, and most important, two-ways.

Oh, and he said I will live.

Narf :)

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