Thursday, June 14, 2018

Why Don't You Notice Me?

Maybe it is because this entry was not here at the time and I was elsewhere as well, but the question is formed in the bigger picture, on the internet and beyond, I've learned to be invisible, a cellophane man, innocuous, benign, without reason or value to the public consciousness. Or so it seems. Could be I'm Elvis and found a wonderful way to live the rest of this live incognito, out of the spotlight, quiet and alone. After all, anyone who gets too close might see through the disguise.

Still, here I am. Words pouring out on the the public internet in hundreds of blogs and pages on Facebook and other cyber pages that are searchable on Google and any other search engine and therein lies the question, why doesn't anybody notice me?

I a here, I am here, I am here!


lol, narf too :)

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