Sunday, June 24, 2018

Passing Time

Or is time passing us? Do you ever wonder why I am still here, not to mention still wide awake (mostly)? I sometimes do and oh, how I wish someone would. Someday, someone may actually remember that there's always hope. We can wallow in the past, suffer the same mistakes and trauma again and again, learning nothing and stuck in a loop of wasted time, apathy, and even self-abuse. We can also realize that memory is just one experience we can choose in any moment and there are an infinite number of experiences we can create. Some may want one short story on their shelf of memories, but there is room for books, libraries, a lifetime of new and wonderful experiences. I wish for you, and for me, the courage and strength to accept the end of some stories and the creation of new stories so time is not passing us, rather we are passing time creating a library of stories and shared experiences.

Narf :)

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