Saturday, June 16, 2018

Sharing Without Sharing

I remember a time when I did not have youtube people to give me a sense of sharing without sharing, I mean, actual interactive sharing. Listening to someone ramble on free-form, responding to chat or comments, just being who they are (as much as one can on camera), has replaced actual physical space interactive sharing for so many. Life is not a spectator sport though. Life is not live streaming. I am concerned about the mental health of the generations growing up thinking that watching youtubers is socializing. Thinking about it though, it is a virtual reality extension of the soap opera and TV show addictions previous generations used to pass time, fend off loneliness, and pretend they were not as alone as they actually are. Sure, you say, but where are all the links?

Ok, so I may downplay the value of millions of subscribers on youtube or anywhere becaise I've got none, but life's not fair. I guess you know you've made it on the internet when you become a reddit star. Still, I can't narrow down a favorite to just one.

Obviously, I've been slacking.

Narf :)

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