Wednesday, February 19, 2020

More Words!

In spite of the distraction from the slow internet and slow computer and environmental beings, there is a powerful desire for more words, I say, more words tonight. Though that might be as fleeting as the impulse to eat something healthy instead of more fried food, an impulse which didn't last long enough for me not to eat the two chicken wings that were sitting out for almost twenty four hours, before cleaning the food tray from last night. Ah, food, ye shall be the life I live and the cause of death, no doubt.

So how was your day?

Mine was work work work, but then, isn't every day in this life just like that when you care more about people and moments and giving something good, rather than stealing and cheating and taking from others? Whatever, philosophy never made anyone rich. Except maybe Monty Python and some other oddballs. Fire pump inspections all morning, then an afternoon of something at my desk, but for whatever reason, I don't remember. Sometimes I might just do desk work just for the fun of it, but don't tell anybody. So much more to do, one of these days.

I told the boss I wouldn't be long when he left at 5, which is very early for him, and then, about 8, I realized I was still there talking on the phone to a manager who likes to talk, a lot. He's a rather oral fellow. I jut arrived home and put food in the oven and while waiting for it to cook, or at least get hot, here we are.

Is your life as exciting as mine?

Tell me more!

Narf lol :)

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