Saturday, February 22, 2020

Sometimes On Saturdays

Sometimes the dates align with the life's schedule and a memory has time to rise from the depths because there is no work or other plans scheduled for a give day and something might happen to wake me from deep sleep (where deeper memories live) just at the right moment. Such seems to be the case today, as I look at a Saturday morning through sleepy eyes. The date is familiar, a celebration of a life, someone from long ago who left me behind for reasons that matter less each year. I tested, I wanted too much, perhaps unfairly, and unconditional love did not happen. We had different definitions for it, for love, I suppose. We wanted different things. I never wanted the traditional life. I couldn't fake it, no matter how much I tried. The life I wanted may never have been clearly defined, probably because I did not want to define it alone and no one ventured into the life with me. Wandering freely without any ties, except to each other. Reaching that, the next step might have been anything, but not reaching that, the life never began.

Now, for some random data, and other thoughts... 0222200222, interesting time/date. Also, chemicals. Sometimes sad and amusing almost meet. Everything is not a popularity contest. Or a song on repeat, after all. Or wrong. You had to be there. Intelligence can be entertaining, too. Apologies for the commercials, I hate youtube and google since that started. Size, matters, even randomly. Of course all this could easily put everyone to sleep. Call it a public service.

Happy Birthday Sandy, may you have everything you want.

Narf :)

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