Friday, February 28, 2020

Unnecessary Frustration

Usually is, after all, but nonetheless, it is and reactions are not always positive. So instead of taking the shower immediately upon getting home from the haircut, cuz fine hars are all over and itchy and now on the recliner and wherever, I decided to cook. Or at least heat up some food. Was it because the little one was eating in the kitchen, a place I seldom go (the table is always cluttered with her stuff when she is here as she spreads out throughout the house) or was it other frustrations (cuz I wasn't all that hungry). Anyway, that done, I paused in my trip to the shower because she started taking a shower right after I ate. Then I sat here watching a bit of TV and playing a phone game and suddenly, it's past bedtime. Just as I am going to bed, the smoke alarm starts beeping loud again. TA has the pick-up but procrastinates about getting a ladder, so there is no light in the laundry room or the hallway leading to my bathroom or right outside the front door and the smoke detector reminded me of how frustrating that can be. So after fighting with a long broomstick to push the button on the smoke alarm, I was awake and frustrated and went hunting for some crunchy food and found burritos in the freezer in the garage (after walking into the dryer door and a pile of their dirty clothes cuz the garage is through the laundry room). So burritos are in the oven and I just tried to burn off some energy on the elliptical for five minutes and the body stamina and muscle strength and mindset are all so weak that I have not been past five minutes since the new elliptical arrived (is fear of pushing it a factor?... grrrr) and even though that makes twice on the elliptical today (started the morning off with five minutes), there is a growling between my ears, drowned out by the tinnitus, I'm sure, and the bloated grumbling in the gut and the computer is slower than ever in spite of a cleaning and defrag (and I may be getting a computer from work for $100 that has 8gm RAm and an I5 processor and a 512 GB hard drive in a few weeks if the techie who cancelled my request (he reinstated it a couple of hours later) didn't screw me out of my top order in the line for those computers) and I am laughing at myself which is pissing me off.

So how was your night?

Narf lol lam sigh :)

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