Saturday, November 5, 2016

Day Three (Saturday, In the Roost)

That would be Crane's Roost, which I a park, so the Chicago theme continues to some extent. After waking late I spent some time unpacking, then on Facebook, then in email and online for jobs, and then I went out for the afternoon to a food and beer festival. I focused on the food and left the beer for those who like the stuff. Much food, alas, much set back on the whole healthy diet and improve lab results thing. Reset any day now, I hope. I talked Harpo into coming out and walking around the festival with me. After the walk in the park, I headed to Excel and the Commodore's for a cards and games night and had fun playing cards and games, though not necessarily in that order. They had some cheap pizza there and I foolishly continued pouring calories and carbs and fats into my digestive tract. The taste buds celebrated as the body died. After the fun of the games (and cards) I headed back here and by then, it was tomorrow.

Happy Fifth of November.

...and happy Birthday Z.

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