Friday, December 30, 2016

Carb Hangover

About 16 ounces of Mountain Dew yesterday kept me awake all night (been a while since I did 24 hours without sleep, a few weeks at least, as sleep is essential to th health maintenance regime) and now, about seven hours later, I am quite hungover. Carb hangovers, I almost forgot what they were like. This one is compounded by the ear wax. The ear wax has built up to a point where hearing is noticeably affected. The pulse woke me sounding like a jackhammer and the tinnitus like an extremely high pitched air raid siren. Finding an inexpensive remedy is moving to near the top of the to do list.

I think I'll sit here amidst the noise and slowly wake up from the fog.

Hello... Who is there?

Narf. :)

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