Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Moving Right Along

Yeah, it's not even close to as easy as it may seem in the babbling passages and musical interludes you don't see here (you know where to find them if you are paying attention), but I am continuing to do what must be done to keep me off the streets. Sending out the resumes. Thanking The Maharaja (actively listening to him, asking what I can do to thank him, and taking initiative to clean and keep his home even better than it was when I arrived, at least). Yesterday he said I have safe haven here. I hope those are not just nice words like most people say. I shall believe, again.

This morning I checked email, found nothing new (job searches are like this, especially after cleaning out the email box and pouring a full day into the search the day before) and listened to music and babbled, catching up on the past few days when I was actually avoiding thinking, feeling, writing, and being aware of anything. So today is a better day. I hope you have a better day too. I'll probably write to J after finding some food.

Stay strong, believe in yourself, follow your dreams, and hope for love.

Or something like that.

Narf :)

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