Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sudden Bridge

Speaking of the card game, not an above ground roadway. After a day of enjoying music and other videos on youtube (as opposed to mytube or other soundtracks of this life I vaguely call mine), I wish Precious a Happy Birthday (because it is her birthday) and we make plans to meet for dinner tomorrow and another text from ... invites me to dinner tomorrow but I text back explaining I just made plans for tomorrow and another text from Excel invites me to dinner and bridge tonight so I drop the stay home with videos plan and head to bridge and it was tense tonight because Curly's double standard was bullying the game and then he decides to get up and leave in the middle of a game because he's tired. Why we put up with that is beyond me. So sudden bridge start to finish. Excel, The Commodore, and I played another game because The Commodore wanted to continue playing and then I headed back here.

It was a fun and relaxing day, except for the tension at Bridge. Still not feeling great, but it doesn't feel serious today.

Hope life is smiling for you.

Narf :)

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