Sunday, December 25, 2016

It Really Was No Miracle

I believe it was Thursday that I watched a webinar and searched for more jobs and checked emails and sent out more resumes and applications and then I went to the government mandated health care website and tried to register again... and again, they would not let me. I called the help number and they were no help. Good enough for government work. You can read more details in the detailed blog, probably from Thursday... or maybe Friday. I wandered my old diaryland babbling places (again, see the detail if you want the detail - it really is no miracle, you just have to care and want to know and make the time to reach out, at least with your eyes, and read. Letting me know would actually make the caring a verb, something you did outside of your mind, in case you wondered.

Maybe it's that Xmas spirit haunting thing going on, or something like that.

Happy Merry if you do that sort of thing.

Lol lam lol lax laa...

Narf :)

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