Friday, December 23, 2016

Life Went On (Sorta)

I could do this every time I don't have much (or anything) to say or when I skip passed past days without uploading an entry when there is an entry in the detailed blog (or vice versa there) or somewhere else, even, but that would be cheating so I won't... or at least not often. It was a Friday. It was the same old story. The decadent self-destructive one in which I spend more money than I should on more food than I should eat and then I eat it. Much fun, much bloat, sad after-effects, especially long term. Nobody cared, no one is here. Or something like that. Once again I wonder if it will always be like this at this time of year.

No worries, life went on, even if we missed it.

Narf. :}

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