Thursday, December 27, 2018

Catching Up

It may take a while, but I've started catching up. I may not have as much me-time in the new space, at least not at first since I don't want to shut myself in the bedroom for a few reasons. Establishing a routine, sitting in my recliner in the living room watching my TV (even though the new roommate still hasn't cleaned out my closet or bathroom or moved anything of his out of my half of the house). I may have to actually move him out and quietly physically take my space, but he has a few days. People are strange. Eb asked when my last day here is because I said I might be out before the end of the month. He's getting a month's rent and wants me out early. New roommate got a month's deposit and is waiting until the last day to clear my space. I need to buy my own house. I have one more carload and then a couple of truckloads of the big stuff. Hopefully the new roommate will come through with his truck on Saturday. Renting a truck at the last minute could be tough at the end of the month.

Meanwhile, the catching up continues.

Narf :)

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