Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Move, Phase One,is Done

All the stuff is here. Phase one, Transport, is complete. Phase Two, Moving In (Unpacking and Settling In) begins. We moved everything in two trips without any issues, thought the washer did ride on its side so hopefully the drum is still aligned properly. I may never know if I don't hook it up again, but hy, it was an expensive washer so I can hope it's ok even if I decide I want to sell it. We stopped for food on the way back here. He got a Firehouse sub and I got TooJays deli food and Jeremiah's ice for dessert. Indulging is part of the celebration. I doctored the sauce and heated the food in the oven and oh so yum. We then unloaded the truck and I started unpacking boxes. It would be more fun shared (so I texted Jackson and Helen and others. Helen responded and Harpo called. Not sure why Jackson went silent on me this week, she knows better than anyone how excited I am and how challenging it's been. Hopefully she's busy and it's not her guilt, alas, sigh. Don't empower the thought that she might be hurting, she may just be busy having her own fun. Ok, good empath).

Ummmm, where was I? Oh yeah, on to the unpacking. Every box, it's like getting presents from myself lol. :)

Narf :)

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