Saturday, December 22, 2018

Frustration Gone, Yay!

All it took was following through on the most available course of action to get what I wanted (see the food blog). Yumminess almost always cures everything emotional and psychological (especially when I do not overeat and I didn't) to the buffet I created not only warmed up the place (oven one for more than an hour with temperatures outside in the 40s and Eb burning the propane heater in the middle of the living room... the carbs and propane put me to sleep early last night... obviously I was so content and euphoric from the buffet I did not even think of not waking up... I suppose I could have died happy... oh hush).

More moving tomorrow, probably. If not tomorrow, then Monday and Tuesday. I also have Thursday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday, so all is good with the moving schedule. The only question is whether the new roommate will be available with his truck or whether 'll rent a truck for a few hours. Either way, I'll be done before the new year and life will immediately change for the better by many leaps and bounds. Whatever challenges the new place will offer will be minor compared to this place.

Wish you were here to celebrate with me. I'd even share my buffet :)

Narf :)

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