Friday, December 28, 2018

Dozens of Entries

Yes, that's right. I just dropped dozens of entries all over the gardens. More than seventy actually. All edited (weakly) and uploaded (boldly) in the the past couple of nights. There are lots more in the files, but a dent has been made. I know you're just too excited for words, so I'll just keep rambling on. Today was a productive day at work as I started an audit of my driver databases. It is tedious, painstaking, crunch-up work, but I love the feeling of knowing the data is valid. I left work early, about 3:00, and packed up some more boxes here, then took them over to the new place. After a brief chat with the new roommate and his daughter, I headed to the Chinese buffet and pigged out like I have not done in many months, maybe the whole year. I drove back here and just as I was pulling into the driveway, Harpo called. We spoke a bit and I told him I wanted to get inside and pack so we ended the call, gradually. Once inside, the bathroom was my next port of call and everything went smoothly in there, except that Harpo called back and an hour later (I wonder if he even noticed I finished up, flushed, and started typing on this laptop). He needed to talk, so I stayed on the line. At least an hour, maybe longer. While on the line, and then after, I uploaded dozens of entries. That brings us to now, after midnight, and I still need to pack because new roommate said he will be here with the truck in the morning. Hopefully that will actually happen and I won't need to rent a truck (I know, I have little faith in humanity these days... please prove me wrong). Fun times.

Hope you had a good day too.

Narf :)

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