Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Fun Days

Without work, life is still very busy but a whole lot less stressful and much more fun. Pity I'll have to return to the grind someday (sooner rather than later would be sensible, but shhhhh, let's enjoy the life of leisure while it lasts). I caught up on sleep (about 12 hours) and then played Ruzzle and wandered Facebook reading articles to find out what is happening in the world and leaving my usual barrage of comments as if my opinion will change the world. I headed out to Monday Night Softball and we can blame fatigue or whatever, but I sucked and we lost to a very good team. Home again to play more Ruzzle, wander more Facebook, and some catch-up in the blogs (the dirt, drama, and details, that is. Time for sleep again. Loving life alone even though I long to share more, finding the illusion of balance. :)

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