Thursday, May 26, 2016

Skipping Lou

I continue to record the life here and in various other places (for details, ring the bell), in case it matters. The hopelessly hopeful romantic continues, even in brevity. So I headed to softball after the previous entry and once again Wednesday Night was not my favorite night as he coach keeps changing things up on her whim. Tonight I played first every other inning and then pitched the last two innings. I hit poorly. We won 14-4. The field director and manager were there and last week was forgotten, which was fine as I am no longer taking Wednesday night softball seriously. If another opportunity closer to home comes up, I'll jump at it.

I snacked before and after softball, which counts as dinner. I fell asleep shortly after getting home and the second snack and woke after 2am and stayed awake again. Yes, that seems to be a pattern. I showered, wrote a bit (or vice versa) and then played Bridge for the last couple of hours and here we are. Wishing somehow you were here again cuz all I ever needed was the one, cha cha cha. We must remember this, or something like that.

Narf :)

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