Sunday, May 29, 2016

Partial Sleep

Well, the best laid plans do not always happen so here I am awake again. I woke around 3am and laid in bed for two hours with all sorts of thoughts swirling (the good, the bad, and the ugly... I really wish I had someone I could talk to when I am regirgitating thoughts in the middle of the night, but nobody wants to be that close to me these days and living alone now, I don't have a built-in therapst {lol, not that she provided therapy much, the relationship was usually the opposite, but every now and then we could talk and at least I could get a brief hello in the morning} or friend). I finally got out of bed because I accepted the fact that my mind was not in the mood to sleep. I wrote a bit and ahowered and played some Bridge and Chess and am about to head out to Saturday morning Softball with the seniors.

Make today a great day :)

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