Sunday, May 29, 2016

Late Saturday

As the ponderous details might suggest, I was out from early morning until the past hour (and the time stamp on this entry is about right). I left for early Sunday Morning Softball with the seniors shortly after the last entry here and I must say that I see why I do not play with the seniors much. Many of them don't try. The sun is too hot for them and they are too old to chase balls or play well. The energy level is so low, I have to work myself apart from them to get a good wworkout. I did. Then I headed to Curly's and ate lunch (a can of chicken I brought with me), took a nap, showered, and we headed to Excel and the Commodore's for dinner and cards. I drove to and from Curly's so it was the 60+ mile route and am just getting home and shall see about getting some sleep.

Wish you were here :)

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