Sunday, July 28, 2019

Afternoon Team Party

So I hung out with the Sunday team for five hours this afternoon as we tried fundraising for our world series trip and apparently we raised well over a thousand dollars, though estimates were varied and the coach in charge was uncertain and I don't think there's any record-keeping going on, but we can hope for the best and whatever. The place we went did really well as they had a packed house and would have been empty if we were not there. We should have negotiated 5% of the net or something lol. I was handed a piece of pizza and so the extra fat and calories continues in spite of my foolishness. Or something like that.

I am tired and sugared up as I stopped for two Italian ices on the way home and a nap might happen... unless, of course, you want to come over and play. Surprise me, why dontcha...

Narf :)

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