Sunday, July 28, 2019

Home Again, Again

Ok, so the Home, Not Home explained most of what I mean, so the Again in this title refers to that and here we are. If you want to understand you will. Yesterday's entries are on hold, as are all the others, and this entry is here now... even if you are not. I had an after midnight snack and if I got on the scale, I am 99% certain I would be over 200 pounds after pigging out for the past few days and exercising not at all. I must get that elliptical. I am emo eating lately, loneliness feeling whatever, unappreciated, alone, something or other that leaves me wanting to indulge my taste buds with fats and carbs and sugars and as much chocolate as I can stand. If I didn't have to go out tomorrow to participate in the Sunday team fundraising event, I would eat more and stay up all night.

Getting home and finding both sinks full of dishes and the kitchen dirty without a single clear counter and no clean spoons and the laundry room overflowing with dirty clothes blocking the garage door and in the washer and in the dryer... doesn't help. I really need to do laundry tomorrow and I told TA, but I suppose he forgot, again. Even if the washer and dryer were empty (and he said they would be), doing laundry with dirty clothes all over the floor and machines is not my idea of clean. Like the kitchen mess. I believe some of the dishes were there back on Tuesday before I left. It's not usually this bad, I wonder if he is getting depressed or just being lazy. I had asked that one of the two sinks be kept clean and empty for cooking purposes, but he must have forgotten that too. so I won't eat healthy or cook, I'll just eat frozen stuff for now and maybe clean the kitchen during the week. I am not the kind of roommate who cleans up behind others in the middle of the night. It would wake him, after all.

So I snacked on cold crab cake and lobster bisque. Any wonder why I get strange looks? lol.

Narf :)

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