Monday, July 29, 2019

Tired Eyes

Eyes so blurry, is that furry, letters worry, what can it mean? Diabetes? Lack of Wheaties? Too much sweeties? Aging routine? Actually, it's Merge Dragons. I think I've been playing for eight consecutive hours without a break, or perhaps longer, and it's well past midnight and I was nodding off many hours ago and then just got caught up in the game and here we are. Tired eyes. Speaking of too many calories and weight and lab work, earlier, I stepped on the scale and it read 195. I was shocked that it was still under 200 as I've been seriously over-eating calories lately. This week, cut it out. Under 190 when I get to the doctor on Thursday? That would be a minor miracle as clothes and keys and wallet and phones weight 5 pounds, at least. I think TA cleaned the kitchen, though I haven't been in it. The laundry room is still full of clothes though. I'll have to negotiate my closet this week lol. Life with people is such an odd adventure for a wayward wanderer like me. Still trying to leave no footprints on the sands of time, no doubt. Of course if we all have tired eyes and don't see them, they they might not be there, right? Tree falls, are you listening? Are you having as much fun as I am? I hope so. :)

So how was your evening, really? And how are you!?

I really really really wanna know...

Narf :)

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