Monday, July 1, 2019

Sometimes I Wander

On many levels, in fact, I wander through life. I've wandered this country for years in the past. I've wandered cities and forests and wide open spaces. I've wandered within. Wandering is like being lost, intentionally. Direction and momentary awareness of the where is suspended and a bridge can be built between the microcosm of the moment in immediate space that the senses experience and the cosmic infinity or space, time, energy, and matter. Real and/or illusionary, it is an amazing experience. Solitary, so far, as I've yet to meet anyone who can let go enough to truly wander, even for a moment. I suppose I don't know any true philosophers without agenda. I suppose I don't know anyone who is not less limited by fear than I am. Wandering, in many ways, is what life is about. Too bad most people miss it, it really is wonderful.

In case you didn't notice, now and then, this daily blog wanders too. :)

Narf :)

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