Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Ok, so there are a dozen or more posts in drafts, some from the past week. This one sat in drafts overnight, in fact, as if you thought we were in real time. Remember RealTime™? I was trying so hard to be human back then. Completely self-defeating, almost completely self-destructive, weak and helpless and out of control, human. I succeeded and realized by succeeding, I failed, but that's almost a whole 'nother life. I still have the habit though. I gave up daily exercise, self-care, and dreams. "Cept I am alone, which is sadder. Naturally. I am watching baseball at the moment, maybe that's it, and I do still play softball, for what it's worth. Bury me with my mitt on. But not the cleats, let me go barefoot into the oven and scatter me over the pitcher's mound on some ball field somewhere you might want to remember, or visit even. You can leave a comment in the sand.

Do you feel the draft?

Narf :)

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