Saturday, March 26, 2016


Or something like that. The day was cloudy as I woke around noon to a text from Curly who was on his way over to continue installing new pipes for hot water and take care of some other emergency situations like a couple of well pumps that overheated because his mom forgot to turn them off. He got some of the work done but then rain came and we ate (Firehouse) and finished what we could in here. Hope for Monday for the hot water. Cleaning the fridge coils and getting a plastic bag out of the fan seemed to fix the fridge just fine, yay for that.

The evening as wonky with a nap and Facebook distractions and finally bed, but then I realized that I do not have softball tomorrow so I got back up and played Ruzzle for a while and then, here we are. Just too much excitement for words, I know.

Fun, make it fun and it's all alright :)

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