Saturday, March 5, 2016

Shifting Gears

Literally, as in the truck dragging the tralier that moved most of the stuff, I drag around to the new place. Figuratively, as in finding the energy to continue paking and lifting and moving the stuff, I am shifting gears. Curly brought his truck and trailer and we moved a few dozen plastic bins to the new place. Like a jigsaw puzzle not put together yet, the bins are stacked in the new space waiting for me to put them where they belong to make the most of the space and still give me access to the bins with the most important stuff in them. If I am wise, I will finally make the time over the next week (months?) or few to sort through the boxes and reduce the amount of stuff by at least 50% if not much more.

Having Curly being so generous with his time and energy and muscle (not to mention his trailer and two hand trucks or the place to live, for that matter) was and is a blessing. In whatever strange balance this universe seems to find, this may be part of the what goes around comes around karma thing since I've been giving all I've had to my friends all through this life. It is good to have friends. Also, learning today that there is a higher likelihood that we will get the electricity working in the entire place and hot water flowing relieved much stress.

After all that moving, another softball game. Yes, the softball must go on, even when I am pushing the limits of the body. It was not a pretty site out there on the field. Our team does not belong in the upper division. I hit well, but we were beaten soundly once again. Still, the love of the game does not diminish in spite of the extremely higher risks of playing in the upper divisions. Extremely higher risks, is that even a proper term of English? Whatever, doing my thing. Loving almost every minute of it.

So the surface physical fatigue is higher than ever and the muscles are pushing their limits as the evening still included the usual Friday night softball. Somehow the body managed to survive and have fun. Alone again (naturally?), but still alive and fun.

We are not so alone if you communicate (comment?), ya know? :)

It is a process. Keep moving as we clean up the dirt, embrace the drama, and enjoy the details. I'm still standing, yeah, yeah, yeah.

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