Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Ain't No Funkshine

Three trips to the pooper with increasing volume each time is a sign of the war going on in the intestines. The C.Diff will not go quietly. I suppose my diet is not helping. Pasta with butter and ketchup and onions and peppers and burger and I think we've been through this before. Yes, leftovers. I added a smoked beef kielbasa. More butter and ketchup. Chocolate milk. Swiss Rolls. Edwards Cream Pie. Yeah, definitely the diet for C.Diff.

Meanwhile, the day was another desk day, again, not the best thing for the body. Itch, itch, itch, burn. Let's of work, paper paper and more paper. On the computer, spreadsheets, emails, and so on. A morning meeting. Lunch here, more pasta leftovers. Three days of pasta. Good movie title? Then here again, dinner, bagels, cheese, and more swiss rolls. Oh enough already, I mean don't we have anything to talk about besides food?

Guess not.

Narf :)

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