Friday, March 2, 2018

Every Day

Still going back, I am, still going back every day. Every day. I return with renewed hope. Each time I open y eyes, reborn with hope for anything is possible and te one could be there, each time I open my eyes, there is hope someone will appear, someone who understands, someone who cares and connects and becomes part of the energy of the eternal infinity with me. Every day, I start again.

Meanwhile, the day moved along like most, mostly at the desk, a meeting, the bathroom twice, the same results, then softball, 2 for 3 today, a single and a double. Later than intended, so I did not get to the doctor and I stopped for food on the way home, juice, burgers, and probiotics. Random cures happen, there is always hope. Maybe I'll find a doctor tomorrow. Cooking food now, listening to Star Trek: Voyager as Eb watches five hours of five different Star Trek series almost every night. Perception awaits on my screen, but while cooking, I am out there a lot and do not want competing sounds. Besides, I love the Trek universes, mostly. Hungry. Tired. Not as grumpy as the dwarf.

How are you?

And your day?

Narf :)

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