Monday, March 12, 2018

Must Be

Understatement amuses me. There is truth in the details even amidst the distractions. Entries tonight prove that (and the links and links within links and so on will show them to you if you want them too). No obligation, just there for you in case it matters to you, in case you are curious, interested, or care.

Two loads of laundry done, one to go but that will be another night. I must be at my desk in less than six hours and I must find sleep between now and then. As much as possible. Letters, brief letters, all handwritten, came in from The Letter Exchange and while nothing compelled me to drop everything and respond immediately (not even the Okie woman looking for love... I suppose one of my Lex listings opened that door), but I want to respond to all of them, however briefly, as soon as possible this week.

Note to self: eat less each day this week (except Tuesday) and eat more much smaller meals. Consider buying fruit and leaving it at work. Drink water. Walk more. Consider some level of jogging. Stay hopeful for love.

Feel free to encourage and hep in any way you care to.

Thank you.

Narf :)

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