Thursday, March 15, 2018

Morning Darkness

While the Sounds of Silence would be terribly appropriate at the moment, at least I finally woke early enough for a morning shower in spite of the cold darkness. The thermometer is below 60 degrees and the body will not warm up because the hot water does not get hot enough to warm a chilled body and I slept without any blanket or sheet last night and so on and so forth and how are you this fine morning? Blaming daylight savings time changes is so useless and normal, so I'll blame it on the sun, like Stevie Wonder. My nose is running from the cold air. Yes, 50 degrees can be cold. Especially when it is 40 degrees, after all. I think I'll move to Florida this year cuz I am tried of the cold.

So how are you?

Narf :)

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