Thursday, March 1, 2018

Morning Was Liquid

Maybe I am becoming a fish. Fish can babble in irreverent nonsense too, right? Babblefish, no doubt. So now that finding a doctor has become an imperative, perhaps I shall succeed today where the last hundred searches have failed. How and why, those are unclear, other than the imperative. I suppose I should be amazed that I could go through three weeks of this and interact with friends and co-workers, many of whom know I was quite sick enough to take days off from work for the first time, and yet nobody knows it's been three weeks. I've been to to doctor and spoke to several Nurses at a third doctor's office and nada. Caring cannot be purchased. Actual interest in medical conditions from the people paid to care for medical conditions is too much to ask. No wonder emergency rooms are packed with people begging for attention. Yeah, humanity sucks. Thumbs to the stars, hitchhikers. Dr Who, where are you?

Good Morning, how is your day?

Narf :)

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