Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Facebook Birthdays

So instead of shower, I wished a half dozen people (at least) happy birthdays on Facebook this morning. I sincerely wish them wonderful days and lives and celebrate the fact that they were born because I am happy they are alive. Even if I was a day or two late for a few, I am no less sincere in my appreciation for the life they live. If I could, if I had the time and money to travel, I'd knock on their door and offer a hug and give them a present, but life is not set up like that for the average working person I've become. The desk has work on it and I must get up and pick up the work car and give another day to the job. Still, there is a celebration in y heart for being alive and everyone is welcome.

I am happy you are alive too, even if you are not here.

Give yourself a present today, make it smile :)

Narf :)

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